Texas Divorce - Posting or Publication

Posting or Publication is a step within Texas Divorce - Step by Step. In Texas divorce proceedings, when traditional methods of serving notice to a spouse fail, alternative methods like posting and publication come into play. Here's a concise overview of how these methods work:

  1. File a Motion: Whether opting for posting or publication, start by filing a motion and affidavit of due diligence with the court. Provide evidence of your efforts to locate your spouse and explain why traditional methods failed.
  2. Court Approval: The court reviews your motion and decides if posting or publication is appropriate. If approved, the court issues an order allowing you to proceed with the chosen method.
  3. Posting Notice: For posting, you physically post a notice of the divorce proceedings at a designated location like the courthouse. Ensure the notice includes essential details such as names, case number, and proceedings.
  4. Publication in Newspaper: If publication is chosen, the notice is published in a newspaper circulated where your spouse is believed to reside. This usually occurs once a week for a specific period.
  5. File Proof: After posting or publication, file proof with the court to confirm compliance. This could be an affidavit or certificate signed by you or a court official verifying the action.
  6. Proceed with Proceedings: With proof of posting or publication, proceed with the divorce as if your spouse had been personally served. Attend hearings, submit documents, and fulfill other requirements as necessary.

Always consult with a family law attorney to ensure compliance with legal requirements and procedures. Specifics may vary depending on jurisdiction and case circumstances.